Custom Solutions


Unlock targeted success with Inlightened’s Custom solutions

Planning and executing key opinion leader engagements?

Analyzing findings across engaged individuals?

Visualizing and organizing the insights to make it easier to digest?

Translating insights to the “so what,” and defining the right solutions and programs to action?

We have you covered with our expanded consulting offerings, provided by our strategic partner, 11TEN Innovation Partners.

KOL Engagement Prep

KOL Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria
KOL Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria
Define the right selection criteria and sample size for the goals of the engagement to ensure balanced perspectives, relevancy, speed to action, and optimized investment.
Discussion Guide Design
Discussion Guide Design
Develop tailored discussion guides, providing a structured approach to elicit valuable insights from your target audience.
Survey and Analysis Design
Survey and Analysis Design
Create surveys that leverage quantitative and qualitative elements to enhance engagement and capture essential data points.

KOL Engagement Execution

Interview Facilitation
1:1 Interview Facilitation
Conduct one-on-one interviews to gather detailed feedback that reveal individual insights and experiences on topics, solutions, or products
Focus Group & Workshop Facilitation
Focus Group & Workshop Facilitation
Lead interactive discussions or workshops to generate collaborative feedback, encourage brainstorming and idea generation, and reach consensus
Survey Execution
Survey Execution
CAdminister surveys with precision, ensuring a smooth and rapid data collection process that enables accurate and comprehensive analysis

Analysis & Visualization

Consolidation of Raw Outputs
Consolidation of Raw Outputs
Consolidate raw data into a unified dataset or mindmap, setting the stage for in-depth analysis and deeper insight generation
Research Summary
Research Summary
Synthesize and summarize key findings into a clear and cohesive narrative, highlighting themes, outlier perspectives, and key insights relevant to research goals
Visualization of Insights
Visualization of Insights
Transform complex data into clear, visual formats, graphs, and charts to to enhance understanding and communicate key insights effectively


Strategic Roadmaps
Strategic Roadmaps
Translate research insights into the “so what,” with strategic pillars and recommendations to guide informed decision-making and future direction
Solution Concept Design
Solution Concept Design
Support the ideation and definition of solution concepts for the strategic pillars and recommendations based on identified unmet needs and goals